Kalite Tercume provides professional support with our team of 2000+ translators who are specialized in their own discipline. Our in-house and freelance translators have the following qualifications:
- All our translators have at least a bachelor’s degree in translation and interpreting or in their technical field.
- The majority of our translators have professional experience in their field of specialty.
- Our translators have certificates approved by various national or international certification organizations or professional organizations.
- Our translators translate into their native language, as they have a better command of it and are more proficient in that language than in other languages.
- Our translators have at least 5 years of translation experience. Many of our translators have more than 15 years of experience.
- Our translators have a strong grasp and in-depth knowledge of the target language. They are also knowledgeable about the local culture.
- Our translator candidates are not added to our professional translation network until they pass at least six different tests.
We apply a regular scoring system for our freelance translators, and this system is continuously updated. If a translation is criticized by a client on reasonable grounds or the relevant translator successively makes mistakes in several jobs, we terminate our business collaboration with them.
As per our corporate procedures, we do not work with uneducated or unqualified resources, even if they are bilingual. We always aim to go beyond our quality standards. Thus, we are very selective
when it comes to our candidate translators and proceed with a limited number of translators who are capable of meeting our expectations at the highest level (1/100 candidates).
As required by our quality standards, we require that candidate translators translate in their own field of specialization and apply six tests to these candidates. The translations and tests are scored by our in-house quality assurance team in terms of accuracy and completeness, grasp of the subject matter, appropriateness of the technical terms, terminological consistency, syntax and style. If a candidate translator achieves the necessary score to pass the evaluation, an orientation process is initiated to adapt them to the customer demands and our working process, starting them out first with small projects. They are then added to our translator network based on their progress. The quality of translation and customer satisfaction are the primary factors that determine the continuity of our cooperation with our translators.
We do not continue to work with translators who receive negative feedback from our clients for their translation, despite the fact they have passed our tests. Customer satisfaction is always our first priority and basic principle. We in no way compromise on customer satisfaction.
We continuously monitor and evaluate the performance of our translators. We subject them to a rigorous screening process and regularly provide them with quality assurance feedback to support their improvement. We also monitor our translators in terms of criteria such as communication and reliability.
We organize regular training programs for our translators and facilitate opportunities for them to stay updated about the latest development in their specialization, translation processes, and innovations related to CAT tools. We continue to work with translators who have obtained high scores on our scoring system and also consider the customer feedback as criteria. Thanks to our internal system established in 2009, we can monitor our translators and editors regularly.
Our translators either are accredited by or are members of the following professional associations